Friday, November 6, 2009

A Demon at the Window

One thing I did not take into consideration about moving into the country is the appearances of random four-legged creatures that are in need of a home. Of course this has already happened to us and I immediately remembered reading of a farm lady saying how people would just drop their unwanted pets off in the country and leave them.

As I worked on the computer late one night bright yellow eyes peered in the window beside me. Only the eyes were visible and it looked like a little demon watching me. His meows pleaded with me to let him in. Those who know us know that at any given time there is usually a large assortment of furry friends we share our home with. These creatures always come to us from animal shelters or friends who can no longer keep them and we are currently bursting at seams with animal friends.

This little demon is black with gold markings. I had planned to call him Demon but as he is the sweetest little thing it just seemed too unkind. I have taken to calling him Merlin. We can't let him into the house due to some of the other pets but have allowed him shelter in the barn although he seems to prefer the porch. We feed him daily and every day he tries his best to win a place in the house even going as far as befriending our two huskies Loki and Sylvia. He is the most affectionate little fellow and truly wants nothing more than to cuddle up on someone's lap.

We have looked at sending him to a shelter but they are all so full right now so he stays with us and we do the best we can. I do hope this kind of thing doesn't happen often. We would love to find him a real home so if anyone knows of a place where he would be welcome he would make a great addition to any family.

1 comment:

  1. You never know who or what you may encounter when living in the country/woods. Even if it is a little kitten named Demon. I am not surprised that you have rescued him .
    And since I have met him, he is a sweet little thing. Good luck with finding him a new home, but I think he thinks he already has on.
